Seeking Boathouse staff
Summer is coming! GUP is seeking dependable and fun staff for our Boathouse. Open hours are 10am-8pm on weekends and holiday Mondays. Send a short statement of your work history and relevant boating experience to GUP's Program Manager, at Let's go paddling!
Girls Adventure Running Camp Announced!
Ground Up Adventures is excited to host the first annual Girls Adventure Running Camp this summer! As of April 4, we are FULL! We've created a waiting list in the event that spots become available. If you'd like to be added to the list, please email us at with your name, phone number, and the participant's name and age. Thanks!
Seeking 2018 Program Director
For the summer 2018 season, GUP is seeking a Program Director with outdoor education, leadership, and managerial skills combined with an entrepreneurial spirit to assist us in growing GUP’s reach and accomplishing our mission to introduce youth to adventure-based, outdoor activities.
Youth and Family Adventure Race goes GRAND
Yep, Sunday was cool, breezy, and rainy. Some wondered if GUP would cancel its 6th Annual Youth and Family Adventure Race. Ha! ADVENTURE is our middle name! And that's not just hype--15 intrepid teams showed up, with 36 kids and youth ready for adventure. Heck, two teams registered that day! They finished wet, and cold, and muddy, but with smiles and a unique sense of accomplishment. And for the Ground UP Adventures Board, and our gang of committed voluteers, that made all the work of organizing the event worth it.