Adventure Racing
Adventure racing is, well, awesome. It combines just about everything we love or have come to love over years. There is travel by foot, wheels, and over water. It incorporates teamwork and requires logic and problems solving. It rewards good direction sense as much as does, if not more than, physical ability. It tests its participants minds, bodies, and spirits, and unlike many other sports, takes YEARS to master. And also unlike many other sports, the path towards that mastery is almost unspeakably fun. What is even more awesome is that kids are natural adventure racers. Start 'em young enough and they aren't phased by the things that stop most adults in their tracks, but are staples of any good AR - mud, bushwhacking, and water. And we aim to start 'em young. So take a look at all the choices in the drop down menu above and see how you (or your progeny) can get involved with what is our - and probably soon to be your/their - passion. Check out the drop down menu above to see the paths to adventure that we offer.