Boathouse 2017 Season Over

Ground UP Adventures' Boathouse on the Red has officially closed for the 2017 Season. Thanks to all who made this summer a fantastic success! On sunny weekends the talk of the town was about all those bright colored paddle boats out on the Red. It was great to see families and youth out getting exercise, enjoying the Red River as a valuable community resouce, and experiencing nature right here in town.
We ended the season with a GREAT Youth and Family Adventure Race on Sept. 24. Getting wet and have fun!

GUP to hold two paddle events in July

Ground UP Adventures is hosting two paddling events in mid-July.

The first event is an introduction to kayak paddling skills, open to all ages.  This course starts at 3pm on Saturday, July 16 at the Boathouse in Lincoln Drive Park in Grand Forks, ND. The cost is $10 for boat rental, and $5 for adults--speaking to GUP's mission to get young people outdoors and active, instruction for youth under 18 is FREE! (But they need to rent a boat and be accompanied by an adult.)  We can take a total of 14 paddlers for this 90 minute course.

Ground UP Adventures' Youth Team Runs END-SPAR

Ground Up Adventures'  Emmett Sum (12) and Carmen Grijalva (14) ran as the only youth team in the ENDracing's Spring Adventure Race, the race included running/trekking, mountain biking (including single-track), packrafting, and map and compass navigation. The youth team (we like to call them Guppies) came in just under the hard cutoff of 6:30 hours.  They ran with no adult team members, but were significantly assisted by long-time GUP supporter Jason Schaefer and his two teammates.  It was a great effort by both the youngsters.  Also, GUP-honed adventurer Megan Peck (14), joined the Canadian version of the super hot YogaSlackers team, and smoked the course.  Great GUP successes.  

Winter Break -Adventure Camp

Not sure what to do with the kids during the February school break? How about taking advantage of North Dakota's greatest resource-the winter! Two day Winter Adventure (day) Camp- campers meet at Lincoln Drive Park at 8:15 am returning at 5:00 pm (on both days) and are taken by bus to Turtle River for a day of winter survival, snow fort building, sledding, xcountry skiing, snow shoeing, winter tracks for ages 10-14 year olds, $65.00 total for both days (food and gear included). Spaces are limited. Contact: Photo by Wes Peck (at ENDSURE). Sign up here:
