Adventure Camp is coming!

16 youth aged 10-14 will be heading off to the North Shore of Lake Superior next week for Ground UP adventure's third annual adventure camp.  On tap this year is lots of rugged miles on the superior hiking trail, rock climibng at Carlton peak, kayaking and SUPing on the lake, and maybe even some packrafting.  Huge thanks to Altru Health Systems and the  Grand Forks Parks District for providing funding for camp scholarships this year.  

ARRGHH! Delays!

  • Posted on: 27 June 2014
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

The weather has caused both high water and delays.  The river is expected to be above flood stage into next week at least.  Construction has also been hampered as welding isn't really a wet weather activity.  We're still plugging along and want to get this thing open ASAP too (let's get some cooperation mother nature!)  We may be able to offer some SUP intro classes even before the facility is done, so stay tuned as the water drops. 

SUP preseason classes--canceled sessions.

  • Posted on: 19 June 2014
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

The Boathouse on the Red will not rent watercraft or conduct fitness classes when the river is at flood stage.  As such, the Tuesday intro to SUP and SUP fit (preseason) sessions for early next week have been canceled.  As of now we plan to have only one session next week (thursday, June 26th), and additional preseason sessions on July 1st and July 3rd.  Remember, preseason sessions are first come, first served and only $5.  We'll start 4 week sessions the second week in July, which will open for online preregistration by the end of the month.

First Real News

  • Posted on: 12 June 2014
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Things are coming along, just not quite as fast as we want them too.  But, they are coming!  Current projections have the storage container on site by the first of July, with the office container soon to follow.  Pre-season paddleboarding intro classes should begin (online registration only - stay tuned for the link, should be up early next week) the last week of June.  We're just chomping at the bit to get folks in the river!  

