GUP Climbing Team Rocks the Cities

Image: New team member Paige on the big wall.

In early April, eleven members of the Ground UP Adventures Climbing Team traveled to the Vertical Endeavors Rock Gym in Minneapolis.  Some of the VE walls are 60’ high, somewhat taller than our team is used to, but all performed great, placing very respectably for such a large competition (over 100 kids) in such a large metro area.  GUP climbing coaches also represented us well.  Emily Orr took third in the Women’s Advanced category, with Elizabeth Carr just behind in fifth.  Veteran coaches Betsy and Dexter Perkins topped the senior citizen, oops, I mean the Master’s Women’s and Men’s categories.  See more photos from the competition, taken by Board member and GUP Photographer Wes Peck at

Spring is here!

  • Posted on: 14 April 2015
  • By: matt

Spring is here, and GUP is getting ready for action.  We've spent all winter dreaming up new ways to get youth outside, active, and adventuring.  Some quick updates:

  • Ice is gone from the river and the boathouse is on the way!  We're finishing up the second shipping container, which will serve as a real office for our staff this summer.  Interested in working or volunteering?  Drop us a line.
  • It's never too early to get ready for Summer Adventure Camp!  Email if you have an interested youth.

See you outdoors!

Paddle for free!

  • Posted on: 13 September 2014
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Between noon and six on Sun. Sept 15th folks can paddle any of our boats for free for an hour (and then $5/hr after that).  Just bring some collateral (keys, phone, DL) in exchange for a boat, fill out the paperwork, and you're off!  It's going to snow soon, but it's not snowing yet, so take advantage of it!

Moving Day!

  • Posted on: 22 August 2014
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

The first container has passed inspection and the crew is working hard to get the second container finished over the next week or so.  But we're not waiting... we're moving the first container down to the boat house site on Monday and plan to open operations soon after, once we get all the equipment delivered and have staff training.  Fingers crossed you'll be able to take full advantage of any Indian Summer evenings we have to get out on the river starting in September!


Busy Summer (and Boat House News!)

It has been a very, very busy summer for GUP.  In addition to all the normal summer activities that most of us get up to with our families, we were able to pull off a fantastic summer adventure camp [check out the video!], host several climbing sessions at the wall in conjunction with other youth focused organizations, and (fingers crossed) actually get this boat house open!

In the News

  • Posted on: 28 July 2014
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Adam Kemp, international artist and sculptor who is fabricating the facility is still making progress on construction and is now being assisted by ENDracing's Caleb Kobilansky.  Although things are slower than we'd like, they are moving in the right direction!  We'll keep you posted.  In the meantime, check out some of the press we recieved recently down in Fargo:
