Mt. bike race comes to Turtle River State Park
END-TOMBED, ENDracing's final race of the year, took place last weekend in Turtle River State Park. The halloween themed 12 hour mountain bike race drew 75 bikers, over half from outside of Grand Forks, and may have been the biggest bike race in North Dakota this year! The event was fantastic - phenomenal course, great venue (thanks TRSP!), awesome food from Dakota Harvest, tons of awesome prizes, excellent music, and a fun vibe the whole day through. It was inspiring to see how hard the racers pushed themselves - setting out for their last laps after dark despite more than 10 hours of riding. We were excited to have a few young 'uns out there too - Tom Fisher (18) took fifth place in the zombie (solo racer) category, Ben Solem (15) was out riding on team Ski and (fat) bike and completed six laps (on a fat bike of course), and Rosa Grijalva (12) joined her folks on a couple of laps as the youngest rider of the day, even managing to ride across the bridge. Congrats to all the racers and a big thanks to all the awesome volunteers and sponsors. We'll be back next year!
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